SOL Studios dive into the complexities of eCommerce, showcasing their expertise throughout the intricacies of developing a website of significant scale.
Now for a build that shares similar characteristics of Anita Wyn Club, it is imperative ALL the UI/UX (functionality & interactive design) are 110%, we identify 90% of the market to have clunky, unresponsive UI for websites where it really matters. So, how did we achieve such a great feat! Well aside from our years of experience, we focused on an extensive discovery phase with the client, this included several zoom meetings and hours discussing what exactly the clients "ideal client" wanted to FEEL when opening the website. Once the client had painted a picture we began designing and tweaking until our client was satisfied. Sending a message through your website is imperative to ensure you connect with your clients, if this is missed the website will not convert!
With Anita AND all of our clients website builds, we begin the discovery/design process with mobile in mind! For Anita we showed our wonderful clients a full list of mobile templates, the clients went through and selected the design that they enjoyed the most (WITHOUT VIEWING THE DESKTOP VERSION!). Now, of course we showed them the desktop before we actually began the work but having our clients pointed in the correct direction from day one is ultimately why the website flows so magnificently on mobile and desktop!